Coordinate Snap! 2 weeks worth, actually!

How neglectful I have been. I am so sorry, poor little Blogspot! It's not that I don't love you...I've just been so dreadfully busy...

But excuses aside, I have been neglectful in keeping up with my translations, and don't think I've left it behind completely! It has been 2 full weeks since my last translation - and I am well aware! I will try to rectify that as soon as possible.

Alas, I have nothing to offer today except some overdue coordinate snapshots. Not what you are here for, I'm sure, but please be patient with me, and in the meantime, let's have some Easter fun, and others as well!

From Friday, March 19 (wow, I really am behind!) - a night out dancing

hairbow, jsk, cutsew, socks, shoes: Angelic Pretty
other hair ornaments: Joann XD
bloomers: Meta
jewelry: my mother

From the day on Saturday, March 20 - just running some errands

headband hairbow, jsk: Innocent World
blouse: Meta
ponytail bow: Kinki Kitty
socks: offbrand
shoes: TUK

From that Saturday night - more dancing at the club

dress, hairbow, socks, necklace: Innocent World
shoes: Antenna

From Wednesday, March 24 - dancing down in Ohio!
Actually I wore this dress again on Sunday, as I've already posted in my tea party post - doesn't it look quite different with white as opposed to black? ♥ I love it!

bow: Metamorphose
blouse: Angelic Pretty
jsk: Kinki Kitty XD
socks, belt: offbrand
shoes: Demonia
necklaces: Innocent World, Gloomy x Hot Topic

From Friday, March 26 - more dancing!

bow: Heart E
dress, shoes, necklace: Innocent World
socks: Swimmer

From Saturday, March 27 - even more dancing!
Why yes, that is the same dress in 3 different colors on the 20th, 26th, and 27th! Is that strange? Oh, it is? ...oops. ;)

And that brings us to my Easter weekend!
And with Easter comes my Easter Basket Hat!

From Thursday, April 1 - April Fool's Day! But I wasn't playing a fool on anyone..I happily wear my Easter basket hat as much as I can at Easter time! And 80s night is a pretty good reason!

cardigan, jsk, hairbows, socks: Angelic Pretty
cutsew: Baby
boots: Antenna
easter basket hat: handmade XD

From Friday, April 2, Good Friday. I drove down to my parents' home to spend some time with and go shopping with my mother! It was a very nice time, and I finally got to check out Hobby Lobby. What a lovely store...I feel my paycheck melting away...

beret, tshirt: Heart E
skirt, hairbows: handmade
socks: Angelic Pretty
shoes: Bodyline

And that Friday night at the club - an Easter Bunny!

bunny ears, blouse: Bodyline
jsk, mini bunny bear: Baby
socks: Angelic Pretty
boots: Antenna
hairbow: Heart E

The next day Saturday I was not yet cured of my Easter bunny mood, so here he is again!

shirt: Heart E
bows: Innocent World
skirt: handmade
socks: Baby
shoes: Angelic Pretty
necklace: my mother

And Easter Sunday itself! I wore full-on Easter Bunny mode for Easter dinner. I think this will be the last time I can wear this outfit this year, as it's made of (fake!) fur! It's soooo comfy though. I love it.
(As you may remember, it's reversible and can be worn as a brown fur set or like shown here. I posted pictures in the brown here, and pictures of the sewing project here!

cape and skirt set, hairbows: Kinki Kitty / handmade
cutsew, shoes: Innocent World
socks: offbrand
necklaces: Innocent World, my mother
brooch: Innocent World
rings: Novala x Baby, Vivienne, elerronyar <3

I'll try to post something more useful soon! Until then, at least you know I'm not dead! ♥ I hope everyone had a lovely Easter!


Anonymous said...
April 24, 2010 at 5:09 PM

SO cute!
I totally want that all-black ensemble.
The light blue dress in the first photo looks way too adorable on you!

Kar said...
April 25, 2010 at 1:40 PM

Oh my gosh! I love that! too cute!! ur blog is AMAZING! I'm trying to make mine similar to yours, cute and pretty!

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