Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Kuro Pink"?

Welcome to my new blog! Please excuse the mess while I'm getting situated!

This blog will be a mishmash of several different things. Most interestingly, perhaps, I would like to commit myself to doing at least 1 translation a week of something interesting from the Japanese side of the lolita world. Be it an essay from Novala, a particularly intriguing entry from a Japanese girl's blog, or some info from a brand announcement, I will try to provide new information from the land where it all began at least once a week!

But alas, I cannot always be so useful, and so much of the rest of my blog will consist of daily coordinate snapshots, reports from any events I should attend, and photos of whatever sewing project I have made lately!

I will do my best to keep this from coming another "LJ #2", so if you'll put up with my occasional randomness and slightly-less-frequent updates than many, I look forward to seeing you, and hopefully your comments, around! よろしくお願いいたします!

Oh, and a word about my blog name seems in order.

When I was still in college, I was a sad, sad, boring girl, and did not allow myself to properly acknowledge that yearning in my soul for all things goth! (Too busy studying, I suppose, and also living up to expectations of what a perfect student would be interested in...) So when I would occasionally express some heartfelt love for something gothic, oftentimes my friends would be surprised.

One day, one friend, in response to something I had said, asked me, "Are you goth? Is your soul black?"

To which another good friend responded, "Are you kidding? Her soul is pink with butterflies!"

Who would have guessed at the time that it would turn out to be both, a lovely pink and black stripe?

And so therefore, this blog, and indeed my life in general, is dedicated to the discovery and celebration of who we truly are - all those who would judge us negatively for such identity be damned!

And besides - they're damned cute colors together! ♥

1 comment:

  1. Pink and black are my favorite Lolita color combos! Your story about the name is fantastic!
